Journeys to the educational center and excursions

One of the services we pay more attention is, naturally, the schools buses, where we have long tradition. Daily we drive hundreds of boys and girls to school and to jaunts.

Personalized attention for schools

In Dotor we offer a personal attention to the schools in order to make possible the best schedule, adapting us to the demand and attending all the petitions.

Unforgettable experiences

At Dotor we know how important it is for students to combine classroom training with longer outings and stays in order to encourage interaction with nature and live new experiences with their classmates.

Our school transport service is ideal so teachers and students can enjoy the destination without worrying about the trip.

Travel in complete safety

In the children case, the security is a priority, for that reason all our vehicles are equipped with seat belts approved revised periodically in all seats. The technology also help us to watch over the children integrity, since our buses incorporate leading solutions in this matter, for example the rear vision camera.

Safety harnesses for children

Due to previous demand we have harnesses available for children of reduced mobility (Kidy Bus Harness).


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